Shree Chems

About Us



India’s first international technology made cement improver which removes all the shortcomings of cement and gives it a new energy and new power. The government of India is banning polythene everywhere. It is my humble request to them that chemicals made of plastic or polymer should also be banned in construction. Temperatures in India are hot and cold. Due to which the effect of polymer becomes 0% in 1 or 2 years. So there are no uses of polymers here.
We all have seen that in ancient times the roof of the house was made of kavelu (khaprail). Then we used to lay foil (polythene) under the kavelu and place the kavelu on top of it. But every year that foil had to be changed, because that foil used to break and crumble, because India is a hot country. Rather this foil will not be harmed even if it remains in the cold state for thousands of years. So, looking at the manufacturing problems in India, we created Shreem Cams Chemical.


Our Specialty

Shriman Cams are an inorganic chemical that is useful for a hot country.

  • Shreem Cams are soluble in water. It prevents the harmful action in cement because hydrolysis causes a great reduction in cement strength and quality.
  • Using Shreem Chems, cement, plaster, and putty becomes twice as strong, and they are 100% waterproof.
  • Using Shreem Chems in cement plaster produces two times the elasticity of the plaster, which results in 20% to 30% coverage. Crack-free plaster is ready.
  • Using Shreem Chems in Putti increases the coverage of putty and puts it in the water without spoiling the water, and the putty becomes waterproof.
  • The use of Shreem Chems gives the sir a protective coating and Jagrodhak to the bars. Makes.
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